

Just a short update.

This is the book I am reading right now. It was recommended to me by a student, whom I appreciate very much.

Natural born heroes by Christopher McDougall. Mastering the Lost Secrets of Strength and Endurance.

Here is a direct link to the book on Amazon. You’ll thank me later!




So we’ve asked you to submit some questions, and in this video Aharon answers those.

Huge thanks to all of you, who submited questions!

We’ll try to do more of these videos in the future.

If you have any question, ideas, suggestions, business propositions – write to us.
Like, comment, share, subscribe 😉



Plan your Winter Freediving vacation in Eilat this winter, beginning in November Ryan Air is offering flights to Eilat £30 one way from Budapest, Krakow and Kaunas.
Eilat is still the safe Red Sea destination .
We are offering all AIDA level courses including the Instructor courses, Winter training , clinics in EQ techniques and deep water training. Our page will show suggestions for accomodation and couch-surfing and has directions how to get to us and much more.



So I put together this video from people all over! 🙂

Aharon was very surprised, and loved it! 🙂

I hope you’d like it too.

Keep watching till the end 🙂



20141002_15355Hi everybody!

Here is an old video, that we’ve edited and uploaded just now. We hope you’ll find it helpfull.

Pay attention that the new type of neckweights for pool disciplines are different from the ones in this video.

You can always find more videos in our YouTube channel



DCIM100GOPROThis was one of the “funnest” courses we had!

lovely guys!






We invite you to join our webinar tomorrow at 22:30 GMT+3 (Israel time)

You are welcome to send questions our way  by:

  • Registering in twitter and asking them live while the webinar is on “live”.
  • Comment to this post .
  • Sending email to aharon@freedivers.net or alina@freedivers.net  with a subject “question for webinar”
  • Writing to Aharon or Alina on facebook
  • Leaving comment under the announcement link in Facebook.

Expecting for your questions 🙂

Thank you very much




Join us today 20:00 – 21:00 GMT +2



Dganit is an assistant instructor (scuba) in “Aquasport”. Normally from our experience freediving courses for scuba instructors are not necessarily a breeze, they tend to struggle with, surprisingly, correct finning technique and head down equalisation.

Dganit was a joy to teach! She is one of the 2% of very gifted people who can equalise easily with BTV. Her finning technique was basically good from the start and only needed a small amount of polishing. If every student was like this… Continued…



Congratulations to Maria-Teresa Solomons for becoming an Instructor Trainer!!
AIDA Instructor courses are available from now in Mexico too!!! 🙂
I want to wish her the best luck!



The Freedivers together with Mor Sherf organised a 2 day AIDA Israeli National pool competition . The first day was static in a pool in Kfar Shemariahu and the second day was Dynamic in Wingate.

The purpose of the competition was primarily to afford a chance for athletes wishing to accumulate points for selection for the national team competing in Nice at the international team competition in September. Also to afford a chance for comparative beginners to experience an AIDA competition.

Aharon and Mor were the organisers , Mor and Alon Rivkin were the judges , Alina Tsivkin did all the official videoing and kept the charts up to date. Under water videoing and photos were handled by Tom Peled , who produced superb images.

The results are as follows – Continued…
